Thursday, December 09, 2004

I Swear That I Was Going to do Work

...but then I got to work today, and our work applications are all down due to some kind of server issues. "The Unix people have been called." Um, ok, I guess I won't hold my breath til it's fixed...

I have no crochet to show you all today; I will go on and on about other stuff instead. Ü

I saw the dumbest thing in a car parked in front of my work building today. This minivan had a whole bunch of crap hanging from the rear view mirror, including a craft made by a preschooler. It was a dinner size paper plate with kid drawing and writing on it. Now, believe me, I adore all my kids' artwork. I have kept their first crayoned circle, and almost everything else they have all made. But perhaps the rear view mirror is not an appropriate place to hang a dinner size paper plate--can we say, "vision obstruction"?

*Sigh* We are still waiting for the stupid heating contractor to finish up our furnace work that they are charging us $2000+ for. Oh, we have a working furnace now, thank God, but the ductwork is still all messed up under the house (heat only comes out of 3 vents), and the chimney needs *whatever they do to it*. I keep calling them and asking them when they are coming, and they keep saying "tomorrow" but it hasn't happened yet. What the f**k is wrong with so many of these contractors? WHY is it so hard to get anyone to COMPLETE a job? I don't care whether it's plumbing, heating, construction, roofwork, whatever--they are all the same! I don't get it!

I found a couple cool sites yesterday. All Consuming and Weblog Bookwatch both monitor the books that bloggers are writing about. They scan and count blog links to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other book resources to see which books are being talked about the most. That's pretty cool! I will be adding buttons to them on my sidebar soon. [Speaking of sidebars, I have no idea why mine is now at the very bottom right of my blog. It is supposed to be in the top right, and my pix are all small enough, so ???]

For curious minds out there, I am working on my 100 things list so I can be a "joiner" (lol, if you knew me in person, you'd know I am so not a joiner...). I'm not sure why I feel the need to expose so much of myself to others in this manner, but I'm going to do it anyways. Probably because it feels "safe" just typing it--more anonymous. So you have that to look forward to from me soon.

Finally, I am working on a rant about poverty and health care and government assistance from government morons. I know you all want to hear more of that from me. Seriously though, I view my blog as a means of possibly opening up others' eyes to what different people and family's lives are like. I have some fresh stuff to go on about as we receivers of public assistance (see, not just a repeat of one of my old posts). How we can still have a very happy family life in spite of it. I want to bump out some preconceived notions of the "poor."

I do have a question for internet/blogger superusers--why is my blogspot blog not searchable on Google--I want it to come up when I google key words, but it doesn't. My old Diaryland one does, but not this place. Anyone know what I can do about that? Is there a setting I am overlooking?


Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe try adding some on your metatag Blogger has it's own but you can add more.

12/9/04, 10:59 AM  
Blogger Donna Hulka said...

Since you've only been on Blogger a couple of weeks, Google may not have indexed your site yet. If that's the case, it shouldn't be long before you're googleable. ;-)

12/13/04, 11:26 PM  

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