Saturday, December 18, 2004

Mystery of the Missing Pictures

Yeah, I don't have any pix yet. I hate the uploading linking process, so that's why I don't have them yet.

Good news! On Friday, I found out I had sick time that I hadn't used yet that I need to use before the end of the year!!! I'll be feeling kind of ill Monday morning I think. Actually, what with all the wrapping, preperation, etc. that I need to do before next weekend, ill may not be far off, lol.

Well, my Christmas gift crochet is done, but I have some other stuff I need to finish asap. I am thinking about submitting 3 things to the Crochet Pattern-A-Day calendar. Honestly, I am afraid of being rejected though. It would really suck to hear, "I'm sorry, the submissions you sent are not what we are looking for this year...." I know there's nothing to lose, but still.... Is anyone (everyone?!) reading my blog submitting anything?


Do you remember being 9 years old?

Are you male or female?

Do you think the sex of the person makes any difference in whether or not you have a difficult being 9 or not?
Hmmm. Interesting question. I don't think so, not back then (in the 70s, when I was nine) or now.

Was being 9 tough or simple for you? Why?
I remember being 9 as a simple, fun time. I remember playing with friends that lived close by, enjoying school (Native American studies and cursive handwriting!), and knowing how to do enough stuff on my own (watching tv, riding my bike) so I could have a good time. I don't recall being too stressed out by "big" problems or injustices, or having an overwhelming amount of responisbilities.

Would you want to be 9 again? Why or why not?
Only if I could be 9 again in the same times--I think 9 now is more stressful, so if I could go back to 1979 again, and still meet my husband later in my life, and have my same kids, I would love to be 9 again! Know what I mean?


Blogger noricum said...

I'd like to submit something to the calendar too, but I have the same fear... that my patterns won't be good enough, or they'll already have better patterns for the same thing. I think I'll try to be brave, and try submitting something anyway. Good luck with your submission! (I think you should try submitting something too!)

12/19/04, 10:14 AM  

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