Sunday, December 19, 2004

{No Title Today-ntt}

I can't think of a title, so I am leaving it blank.

Well, the pictures are now OFF the camera and onto Tim's harddrive. A step in the right direction, eh!? Now, if I were going to work tomorrow, I'd edit them with software there, and then post 'em, but I'm calling in sick, remember? ;)

I am going to bite the bullet and sumbit my ideas to the crochet pattern-a-day calendar, and see what happens. Now I just have to DO it....


1) Can you play a musical instrument? If so, which one(s)?
I took piano lessons for years, but now I can only barely pick out nursery rhymes on the keyboard I have. I kind of regret this, but I hated the lessons at the time.

2) If you could be part of any band or musical group on the planet, which one would it be and who would you be and why?
I have no idea, lol! I am not that into music/bands/etc.

3) What is your favorite genre of music?
I don't really have one, I guess. Stuff I can dance to in some manner--anything from country line dancing to techno.

4) What is your least favorite genre of music?
Gotta go with anything "sappy" or "uplifting" because they usually just make me want to scream. I cannot stand stuff like Amy Grant or Kenny G. (Sorry to the people that like them....)

5) What was the last song you heard or what are you listening to right now?
Hooverphonic, "Wicky"


Blogger noricum said...

Congratulations! I hope it get's accepted! :)

12/19/04, 11:15 PM  
Blogger Kyle Wash said...

Yea Hooverphonic!!! Woooooo!

12/21/04, 1:06 AM  

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