Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Awesome, But Non-Crochet, Post

For those of you who don't know, Heather is a woman living in Utah that started a blog several years ago, blogged about hew workplace and co-workers (without mentioning any names), and got fired for it. There's been many recent news stories about this occurance, and she usually is featured as the main example. There is also a new "word" for the act of getting fired because of your blog: dooced.

Over the past 2 years, Heather and her husband have had a baby girl, Leta, and her blog mainly focuses on their parenting experiences now (which are abso-freakin-lutely hilarious, btw). If you ever have a couple free days, start way back at the beginning of her blog and read up til now. I promise you, you will laugh your ass off. The woman's a great writer.

The most recent post on her blog is noteworthy, check it out here. It goes back to the subject of her blog-firing, and features a comment by a male mysogonistic moron that leaves his name and company name and email. Hard to believe people are so dumb, especially in management positions, lol. As Heather closes with,
Just think, one of the biggest consulting companies in the world harboring someone who would send out an email WITH HIS NAME ON IT including the words, “Find that your being a woman makes you a liability in the work force to an employer, typically.”

The Internet is a bitch, no, Matt?


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