Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Just the Same Old Stuff

This is pretty it to make one of your own:

MInformationtile cHthe infamous umlautLLe

Honestly, I have been too lazy to blog lately. I can't blame anything else--well, my home pc did die, not that I ever blogged much from home--work's been not super crazy, and I have spent more time than normal lately on the new Crochetville forum. Oh yeah! I have started working on a [nonfiction] book while I'm at work (that's what my "down" time has been going to lately). It has to do with children's books, but that's all I can say right now, other than I had a manic day last Monday and blasted out a 12 page outline for it.... I sincerely hope that a) I keep on working on it and it doesn't become another of my passing fancies, and b) that someone somewhere would want to publish it.

Terry Schiavo discussion below--stop reading if you don't want to know how I feel about it. Here are two quotes that I found interesting, relevant, and very true (IMO) regarding the whole Schiavo case:

Allan Lichtman, who chairs the history department at American University in Washington, said the intervention of Congress and Bush to try to overturn the decision by Schiavo's husband not to prolong her life is the antithesis of several conservative principles.

"It contradicts a lot of what those behind it say they believe: the sanctity of the family, the sacred bond between husband and wife, the ability of all of us to make private decisions without the hand of government intervening, deference to states and localities as opposed to the centralized government," said Lichtman.
Julian E. Zelizer, a Boston University history professor who specializes in congressional trends, said a conservative Republican movement that "built itself in the 1970s around attacking government has become the party of big government since 2000."

"Starting with the war against terrorism and climaxing with Congress intervening in this case, we see a GOP that is quite comfortable flexing the muscle of Washington, and a Democratic Party which is increasingly finding itself in favor of limiting government," Zelizer said.

No need to comment if you disagree [actually I just turned comments off--I don't need the debate].

That's all for now, gotta cram some stuff in the next ½ hour of work.....


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