Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A Mixed Bag

Hi readers, thanks for sticking with me and bolstering me with comments!

Today's offering is kind of a hodge podge of topics, starting with my works in progress:

Sunshine Lace afghan
Poncho sweater for Emma (I made one of these for Holly, and it is AWESOME!!)
A sweater for me
A softie
Redwork turkey

I solemnly swear to post pictures more often, especially now that Tim got a new pc with a drive right in the harddrive for a camera card. Ü


As you know, I've been eating better (well, mostly) foods and less processed ("faux") foods. One thing I have swapped in my fridge is real butter for the margerine "spread." The only thing that I don't like about butter is that the sticks are so hard, and it's basically unspreadable. Well, for part of my birthday present, Tim bought me a Butter Bell. This thing is awesome. Now we can keep the butter out of the fridge safely, as it is stored in an airtight seal made with water. Love it!


I found this really cool link for readers: Dear Reader. You sign up for the genre of book you are interested in, and then every morning they'll send you a portion of a book in your email. After five days they start sending a new book--you'll have to go to the library or a bookstore to get the rest of the book if you liked it. Cool! Now I will read at work!


My last link for today has to do with my other vice (aside from cookies, that is)--Diet Pepsi. Now I can find out exactly how much of it I'd have to drink (in one sitting?), for it to kill me. Check it out with your favorite soda!


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