Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Hello. My Name is Michelle...

...and I am addicted to good food. (ok, also not-so-good food, too.) I am on a new mission to eat like the French. Thanks to Bron's blog, I am currently reading--and thouroughly enjoying and agreeing with--this book:

It is about how the French eat loads more fat--cheeses, bread, sauces, dessert--no low or no-fat foods--and yet they have much lower rates of overweight people. I am not overweight, however every day is a complete struggle to eat "healthy." It's truly made me miserable for 20 years. The premise of this book is that we don't need to count calories, carbs, fat grams, or anything--just eat REAL, yummy food with fat in it (in moderation), exercise moderately, and you'll lose weight. I feel sooooo relieved already, and I have only been practising this for a few days. The pressure of trying to be "good" is gone, and I am actually looking forward to cooking. Now THAT must mean something. I'll keep you posted.

My 63/2 Squares blanket is almost done. I've sewn the squares into strips, and now just need to sew the strips together. It is the size of a lapghan, and it looks nice, if I do say so...like stained glass.

I want to share a funny kid story that my husband, Tim, posted on his blog (link in sidebar):
By Tim

I don't think I could have made this up. It happened this morning:

Over the paper, Holly looked at me and then stood up in her chair. She leaned over and examined the half gallon of Orange Juice that was sitting on the table. She said quietly to herself that is was closed, and then looked over at me again.

"Can you spill this?"

"No, Holly, spills make a big mess. We don't want to make messes."

"Can you spill this?"

"No, Holly."

"Can you spill into my cup, please? And then I will spill it into my stomach."

"Ahhhhhhhh, of course, honey. Thank you for saying please."

And, lastly, I will now share with you the type of woman I am, in the form of a quiz.
"What Historic Woman Are You?"

Eleanor of Acquitaine
One of the first great queens of England, Eleanor was her own woman. She married the French prince at 14, but after six years of marriage and no son, she divorced him and secretly married the younger (and wealthier) heir to the English throne. Her sons were some of the greatest monarchs in English history! You must be tenacious, audacious, and brave if you're like Eleanor. Read more about her: http://www.womeninworldhistory.com/heroine2.html

Those of you that know me in persom may think the description fits me pretty well, lol (except for the "and wealthier" part)...


Blogger Kyle Wash said...

The French eating thing is probably so right on. I'm intereted to see how it works for you. Maybe you can kick that animal cracker habit of yours )

2/1/05, 11:17 PM  

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