Friday, January 07, 2005

The Next Freakin' Chapter

Apparently I say "freakin'" much more than I thought I did. Our 3 y.o. has been regularly throwing it into her conversations, and when I asked Tim where she got that from, he looked at me and laughed. Example from her this morning, "Can I have a freakin' banana mom?" Oy.

So yeah, remember when I wrote this last time:
I have a feeling it's going to be a good year for me and my family Dear God, Please don't let me have just jinxed myself with that thought.
Well guess what?! Less than 2 hours after writing that, on my way home from work, I got pulled over for having an expired car inspection sticker. And an expired license. By a cop that looked like he was 11 years old. On the main street in my dinky town. Way to start the new year, go me. This is why I have so many issues with forced "positive attitudes." Whenever I try mine on, it seems to want to bite me in the ass.

Speaking of funny kid stories, check out Crazy Daisy, after she talks about her new sweater. She's got a funny one about her daughter and her reading Dick [and Jane] books.

So, I can hear you now: What the hell are you crocheting? Where are some new/recent pictures?

I have submitted 3 designs to the crochet page-a-day calendar, 2 of which have been accepted so far. **Happy dance!**

I am working on my 30 square lapghan (it was the 63 squares blanket, but I discovered I'd rather poke my eyes out than join squares).

I've gotta make a hat for the hat swap at Crochetville.

I'm gonna make a ripple hat for myself, and some ripple socks too, from this book I just bought:

Mememememe: This one's been going around, so I guess I'll pass it along Ü

Name 3 names you go by:

Name 3 things you like about yourself:
I am energetic
I am intelligent
I am crafty

Name 3 things you hate about yourself:
Lack of willpower
I see things as black and white; hate "gray"
I tend to make piles and piles of stuff and don't know where to put it all

Name 3 parts of your heritage:

Name 3 of your everyday essentials:
Diet Pepsi
Hugs from my kids and husband

Name 3 things that scare you:
Someone in my family being hurt physically or emotionally
Surprises/changes in plans

Name 3 reasons you have broken up with ex's:
Didn't want me to do stuff I liked to do because they didn't like to do them

Name 3 things you want in a relationship:
Common interests

Name your 3 favorite pastimes:
Hanging out with my family

Name 3 things you want to do before you die:
Have an enjoyable, lucrative job
Visit Scotland, England, and/or France
Own a farmhouse (with chickens!)


Blogger Kyle Wash said...

I hope your daughter doesnt enjoy animal crakcers as much as you do.

Name 3 things you want in a relationship:

1/8/05, 3:47 AM  

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