Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Media Monday (ok, I know it's Tuesday)....

A band I LOVE LOVE LOVE is Flogging Molly, and they are playing in Rochester tomorrow (I won't be able to see them, sadly). They had one of the singers on the radio this morning, and he said he was influenced a lot by Tom Waits. Then they played some of his music too, and I liked it a lot too. I have got to get a cheapo cd player for work....I can't stand listening to headphones on cd drive. If anyone has any Tom Waits cds they want to find a good home for, send 'em my way ;o)

Right now I am reading

It is a OK culinary mystery (I'm only on page 60, but I'm not chomping at the bit to read it at night, so I know the series is not gonna stick with me.)

I am biding my time til


come out.
Ohh! I see that Ms. Fowler has a new hardcover coming out too!! Awesome!

Check OUT these cool mugs! I must have The Body in the Library one:

I cannot really explain it, but I faithfully tune in to The Bachelor every Monday night. Actually, I think I watch it to prove to myself how totally unlike those women I am. Oh. My. God. They practically scream, "I'm desperate, and even though I am pretty I am such a psycho that I can't maintain a relationship!" Watching it and guffawing at every other thing out of their mouths (and at almost every article of clothing that they wear) makes me feel like more of a well-rounded woman. On the plus side, though, one of them knits on the show sometimes--that's kinda cool to see...


Blogger Deneen said...

I haven't read Diane Mott-Davidson's last book yet! I swear since I started crocheting, my reading has definitely gone into a slump. Did you ever go to the Mysterious Bookshop in NYC? God how I love strolling (okay, squeezing) through there.

4/12/05, 4:59 PM  
Blogger Trish said...

Oh yes, I'm addicted to the Bachelor as well. I was so excited to see Sarah W knitting, but did you hear everyone else. They were offended by her knitting. They tried ot hide it on her, claiming she was avoiding them by knitting. That was so sad to see. My bf feels that when I'm crocheting, it's taking time away from him, but I still watch TV and have conversations with him. I just don't stare at him. IT's too bad people don't understand. Oh, and what about Kimberly...ummmm. nice outfits. hahahahah

4/13/05, 11:26 AM  

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